Monday, March 17, 2008

Credit cards presentation

I thought planning this subject or doing a map for the presentation it will be easy. But, actually it was taking me a lot of time and it was not easy to make a map to be well organized. I spent couple days on mapping or planning to avoid confusion. I was thinking about how to make the presentation interesting for everybody and also how to reach the points. Then I came up with the idea of giving some credit cards applications to the audience to create a center of attention. That most of the audience liked this kind of advertising.

These kinds of good qualities of good presentation associated with some problems. One of these problems is the information is too much. Because I wanted to cut down some information to make it shorter but I couldn’t because all the information is linked together. So all I have to is to talk about everything. The second problem is that I don’t feel comfortable in a public speech. Because I practiced many times I felt less stressful and more comfortable during my presentation.

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